Jump in on action – complete one or all four of BUMP’s virtual challenge rides taking place in August! Four challenges are actual race courses at BUMP-N-GRIND race that set for September 5th and 6th at Oak Mountain State Park.
Leaderboard resuts are posted weekly on our Strava, Facebook and Instagram pages. Challenges end on August 31st, 2020. Join in and have fun!

Virtual Ride: BUMP-N-GRIND 26 Cat 3 Course
Description of the course: start at South Trail Head in front of Dogwood pavilion, up Peavine Road to Johnsons Mountain, come down Johnsons, cross to Foreplay, Toads all the way back to the road, left on road past feeding zone then left into Family, Rattlesnake, take Lake return and yes, up and over “The Hill” back to South Trail Head for the finish. https://www.strava.com/clubs/20979/posts/10917367

Virtual Ride: BUMP-N-GRIND 26 Super D Course
Description of the course: start at the overlook at the top of Peavine Road, ride down the Fire Pit, Blood Rock, and Quarry Trail finishing at Peavine Road where Quarry crosses to Johnsons Mountain. https://www.strava.com/clubs/20979/posts/11040409

Virtual Ride: BUMP-N-GRIND 26 CAT 2 Course
Description of the course: start at South Trail Head in front of Dogwood pavilion, riders go into Lake trail, cross over to Seven Bridges, up Camp Road to Garrett’s Gulch, Chimneys, Cat Dog Snake to North Trail Head, climb Red Road, blast across the top of the ridge to BUMP connector, BUMP Trail, down Blood Rock, Quarry, cross to Johnsons, Foreplay, Toads back to the road, left on road past feed zone, left on Family, Rattlesnake, Lake return then up and over “The Hill” to the finish at the South Tr ail Head. https://www.strava.com/clubs/20979/posts/11147445

Virtual Ride: BUMP-N-GRIND 26 Air D Course
Description of the course: Lightning trail down. https://www.strava.com/clubs/20979/posts/11254204